We invite you to join us for an exciting new series as we walk through the Gospel of Mark together each weekend. This journey will lead us all the way to the cross at Easter, revealing how Jesus' life, teachings, and mission turn the world, and our expectations, upside down. Whether you’re discovering faith for the first time or have been following Jesus for years, this series is for you. Together, we’ll uncover the unexpected ways Jesus brings hope, healing, and transformation into our lives.
Week 8 | God on the Loose
Watch Message - Coming Soon
Scripture: Mark 5:1-20
Questions to Consider:
Have you ever experienced “God on the loose” in your life in a way that was disorienting or upsetting?
What difficulty or impossible situations do you need to trust God for?
Have you specifically asked God to release his power or healing into those difficult situations?
Is Jesus someone you have been able to put your trust in?
Who are the ones that are “untouchable” in our lives? What are areas that are considered “off limits” by you?
Scripture: Mark 6:30-44
Questions to Consider:
Where is God sending you right now? Are you stepping into it, or staying comfortable?
Is there something you regret but haven’t truly repented of? What’s holding you back from real change?
Who in your life needs compassion right now? How can you slow down and truly see them?
Where are you relying only on what’s manageable instead of trusting Jesus for the impossible?
Are you spiritually isolated? Who are you walking with in faith?
Ask yourself what am I feeding; My self, or my soul?
Week 7 | Soul Food
Week 6 | Power of the “In-Between”
Scripture: Mark 6:45-53
Questions to Consider:
Mark shares a powerful picture (Mark 6:46-51) that when we face storms in our lives that Jesus prays for us, sees us, comes to us, speaks to us, and even gets in the boat with us. When facing storms in your life which of these actions by Jesus are most important to you? Which is the hardest to believe?
How do you typically handle the “in-between” seasons of life, the times when you feel stuck or unsure because your expectations are not being met? What might God be trying to show you, so you do not miss it during these times?
How does this passage challenge the way you think about spiritual abundance or spiritual blessings? What would it look like to seek abundance in God’s presence rather than just in worldly blessings or success?
When you reflect on your personal faith journey, what is the hardest thing for you to "stay in the boat?" Have you shared that hard thing with Jesus or others, why or why not?
Week 5 | Power of a Story
Scripture: Mark 4:1-12
Questions to Consider:
What kind of soil best represents your heart right now?
If the constants in the story are the sower (God) and the seed (the Word of God), then what is one key to keeping the soil of our hearts receptive?
What are the ‘thorns’ in your life that might be choking out God’s voice?
When has God’s word taken root in your life but didn’t last? Reflect on times when you may have been spiritually excited but struggled to maintain a deep and lasting faith.
What does true abundance in God’s Kingdom look like, and how does it differ from the world’s definition of success? Are there areas in your life where you are pursuing worldly abundance rather than the lasting, spiritual abundance Jesus offers? How might cultivating “good soil” lead to a more fulfilling and fruitful life in Christ?
Scripture: Mark 3:13-35
Questions to Consider:
When you read this gospel text, Mark 3:13-35 what is your initial reaction to Jesus actions?
Is Jesus interaction with his family here a surprise to you? What might be some explanations as to why Jesus responds this way?
Has following Jesus in your life ever created conflict in your biological family, (or family of origin)?
Can you think of family situations where a person’s faith in Jesus ruptured it? Restored it? Explore both.
Week 4 | Family Bonds & Kingdom Values
Watch Message
Scripture: Mark 1:14-20
Questions to Consider:
What is God inviting me to release so I can hear His voice more clearly?
What could change for the better if I fully surrendered my plans, preferences, and timing to God?
Is there a new purpose or direction He’s been whispering in my heart? What is God calling me to step into?
Have there been any "Kairos" moments in your life lately? What might God be trying to say to you? What might God be asking you to do?
Week 3 | Rest & Work
Scripture: Mark 2:23-28
Questions to Consider:
What are the rhythms of your daily life? Are they helping you experience rest, replenishment, and peace, or do they leave you feeling hurried and overwhelmed?
What does your version of “Sabbath” currently look like? Is it truly restoring your soul, or has it become another item on your to-do list?
What might God be asking you to lay down to embrace true Sabbath rest? Are there habits, commitments, or distractions you need to surrender to experience Shalom?
How could intentional Sabbath rest strengthen your relationships? Think about how setting aside time for rest and connection could deepen your bonds with family, friends, and your community.
Week 2 | Hearing God’s Voice
Week 1 | Introduction
Watch Message
Scripture: Mark 1:1-13
Questions to Consider:
Who has been a voice of truth in your life?
Are you open to hearing God’s message, even if it comes from unexpected places?
Are you allowing God to work through the relationships in your life?
How might God be showing up in ways you haven’t recognized yet?
What area of your life is God calling you to surrender to Him?
How might obedience unlock the power of God in your life?