Events & Newsletters


Trinity will be hosting a blood drive on Friday, February 21st in the Fellowship Hall. To schedule your donation go to and enter TrinityColumbus or contact Kyle Jensen at 402-910-0681.

Bring Donor Card or Photo ID Eat breakfast/lunch & drink plenty of water prior to donating blood. You can earn a $15 E Gift Card!

Friday, February 21st | 11:00am-5:00pm | Fellowship Hall

American Red cross Blood Drive

Annual Congregational Meeting

Sunday, February 23rd | 11:30 am

Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 23rd at 11:30am following the 10:00am Service.

Sunday, February 23rd | 2:00pm

Confirmation Retreat #3

Confirmation Students and Parents join us for this retreat in the Fellowship Hall as we continue to prepare for Confirmation.

Lent is a season where we focus in on God’s love and prepare our hearts for Good Friday and Easter, remembering Jesus’ sacrifice and celebrating His resurrection. Ash Wednesday is the start of this 40 day season of reflection. Join us for service at 6:30pm on Wednesday, March 5th.

Wednesday, March 5th | 6:30pm

Ash wednesday