Have you ever found yourself holding onto an offense, a time where someone hurt, insulted, transgressed, even sinned against you and you found yourself unable to let it go? Maybe it was something small, like a careless word, or perhaps something much larger and more painful. Offense is something we all encounter, but what if holding onto it is actually holding us back from something greater?

In this new series called "Unoffendable,” we’ll explore how the choice to let go of offense is not just a suggestion but a vital part of our walk with Christ. Seeing firsthand, how offense can easily limit our ability to love God and His people.  This series is about more than just feeling better it's about living better, loving better, and being transformed by the radical love, forgiveness, and grace that only Jesus can give.  Truly giving us the confidence to embrace an unoffendable heart which has the power to transform lives, starting with our own.

Join us as we embark on this journey together better understanding that when we surrender our sense of justice and righteousness to God it can lead to a unoffendable lifestyle of freedom unlike any other.